“How to look your best the morning after”, PSA make-up tutorial
Trigger Warning:
This post deals with domestic violence from both intimate partners and parents. This can be triggering for persons who have been trhough this. As always, if you're being hurt, please seek help! There are some numbers at the bottom of the blog, and you can always call the Hotline at 1.800.799.SAFE.
I technically have a
log-in for YouTube, just like everyone else with a Google log-in. I
never post anything, and never surf it. If I'm over at YouTube, it's
because I'm looking for something specific, or a friend sent me a
song or game vid link. I've even gone digging when I heard about
“newspaper print nails” [that'd be using newspaper like silly
putty to print in your fingernails, it looks pretty cool] but I had
never gone looking for make-up tips on YouTube. This is why I had
missed the make-up videos posted by the very talented Ms. Lauren
Luke. [her channel is here, if you're interested. She's a very good
make-up artist, and fun to watch]
I guess she has her own
make-up line and brushes and everything! But I'm way behind the times
there, so don't mind me. I wear Rimmel and Cover Girl, and an awesome
herbal make-up named Palladio. Oh, and that killer mascara by
Maybelline, that “Stiletto” line.
While I do wear
make-up, and I'm very good at applying it properly, [cover up and all
that good stuff] I never did spend a lot of time watching other
people put it on. It's not that it isn't interesting, and amazing to
see the tips and tricks, but it's deadly boring to dig them out some
times! I'm more of a trial and error type person when it comes to
putting my face on, and once I get something down, and it works, I
stick with it. I'm a boring make-up wearer.
Well, it seems that Ms.
Luke is working with a group in her native UK named Refuge and made a
public service announcement. Now, PSA's tend to be either terribly
hokey and silly, or stupidly simplistic. Remember the entire “This is your brain” campaign? Very simple, very stupid and it didn't say much except some asshole
evidently didn't like fried eggs! How about the “No one wants to be a junkie when they grow up”-- remember that one? I was very small when I first saw that one, and even I thought it
was stupid then. I imagine most teens seeing it at the time (in the
mid 80's) tittered manically over their joints watching that one.
That is the problem
with most PSA's. They're trying to say something so very very
important, and deep and serious and grown-up in 15 or 30 seconds.
Half a minute isn't nearly enough time for nuance-- so they go for
shock, quickly stated facts, or scare-phrases like “some kids end
up getting high and it messes with their dreams”. For a little kid,
that can be terrifying; for a teen-ager, it's something to laugh at
over your joint. Not really getting the point across, are they?
Others, like the
current crop of “Oh, for the love of everything good, please don't
do Meth!” aren't too bad. I saw one that was side-by-side mug shots
of meth users narrated by the “generic male narrator, number 4”.
The visual was stunning! Their physical degradation was frightening
and very sad. I don't know if it made anyone stay off meth who wasn't
already thinking, “Why in the fuck would I use this shit! It's got
ether, and cat litter in it, for fucks' sake!” But I can hope,
right? I know it won't make a meth user stop, because I knew one, and
he swore he'd never be like “those guys”. I mean, he only used a
little, maybe once a week, or something. Typical user-speak, but any
addicted person, to any substance, recognises themselves in those
words. I remember what it was like when I wasn't ready to quit
smoking; I'd never get cancer, because I didn't smoke that
much, I mean, really!
That's the interesting
thing about public service announcements, I think-- just the myriad
ways they try to use to get us to pay attention to their message.
That's what makes
Luke's vid so powerful.
It opens with her
sitting in front of a cam like any other person who does vids
for YouTube. She's got a huge, scary, realistic shiner on her left
eye, cuts on her nose and mouth, and faint bruising on her throat.
There is some lighter, but still nasty bruising on her chin and
along her jaw line, too. She looks like she's been beaten pretty
She calmly apologises
for “not being online” as she's “had a bit of a rough time”
and then starts in on “how to cover up”, “if you have
some bruising” or “cuts from watches or rings”. She even tells
her viewers “if you've some bruising from a jealous-type partner
you can wear your hair down, or use a scarf” and then calmly ties a
pretty sunny yellow scarf around her neck.
As she's covering up
her eye, “if you've got a lot of bruising, from being pushed hard
against a coffee table” her calm demeanour is eerie, and just gets
more so as the vid goes on.
There's a thump and her
face tightens in fright. She lunges to shut off the camera eyes wide,
and then rolls the statistic that 65% of women who are abused cover
it up “Don't cover it up” motif and Refuge's name.
To say it was powerful
is an understatement, but really I don't know how else to describe
it. You'll have to see it for yourself.
I was never beaten by a
partner, but that covering up is real enough to me. There were plenty
of times I had to cover up, wear long sleeves, long pants, even make
up on my face to cover marks made by my mother. I know I'm not alone
there, as it's a staple of fundamental Christianity to beat the fuck
out of your kids. I know that fear, that lunging to stop doing
whatever you were doing to cover up, out of fear of making the abuser
more angry-- angry enough to mark you some more!
Luke stated that she
was never in a physically abusive relationship, but the fear is
real-- she'd been emotionally and mentally abused. I know that pain,
too. That fear, that walking on eggshells feeling.
That might be why it
hit me so hard, this vid. It's just a woman in make-up, covering it
up with more make-up after all. I've done my oldest up in make-up
bruises and a bloody nose for Hallowe'en (he was a hockey player that
year) and so I know how to make those bruises myself. Seeing them on
another person's face, ones that I didn't paint there, ones that look
very very real is still harsh. Bruising is ugly, even if you know
logically it's painted on-- they don't look painted, they look real,
and painful and you hurt just looking at them.
The point of this PSA,
and any that follow, are that covering up the marks doesn't make the
abuse go away. Some times women who are being beaten need to know
that they're not alone, they don't have to “handle it” by
themselves, and that there is help.
Don't cover it up, get help--
nice thought, and I truly hope it gets some results. Especially given
that Luke has a dedicated following in cyberspace of young women and
teens-- often the least likely to admit to being physically abused,
and the demographic with the least amount of age-won wisdom to know
how to get help. When you're
16 and in love and your boyfriend hits you, no one tells you it's not
normal! You don't have any history to tell you that it's wrong. You
know you love this guy, and he says he loves you, and you make him so
mad he can't control himself sometimes, but he'll never do it again,
he loves you so much! It must, therefore be your fault, so you work harder not to make him mad, and be the perfect girlfriend!
need Lauren's message just as much as women in their 30's do--
probably more so as the adults in their lives often don't want to see
or know if abuse is happening-- their kids aren't having sex and of
course they don't have to deal with “real life” or “grown up
problems” like domestic violence. That is for "the Other people" who let their kids slut it up and of course we're so much better than they are!
we do. Women have to deal with DV at every age, whether it's our
parents or our partners doing the hitting, the shouting, the
screaming. The threats. The humiliation. The emotional black-mail;
the belittling; the disregarding of our own thoughts; the “gas
lighting” of our emotions and feelings. We have to deal with it--
even if people around us want to pretend that the men in our lives
“would never”. Even if the people in our lives pretend that our
parents would never. Shit, some times the adults in our lives are encouraged to do the abusing! Thank you churches...
beaten doesn't make us weak. It doesn't mean we are incapable or
unable. It doesn't mean you're bad, or naughty or being rebellious to god! You can't make someone beat you. It's their choice to cross those boundaries and inflict that harm. It's not your fault.
Often it just means there's someone in our lives with 1-anger
problems, 2-no empathy and 3-more strength than we have. If it's
your parents, it's not even strength so much as upbringing. I've been
taller and heavier than my mother since I was about 12. I was taught
from the earliest memories that I have, that if I was bad she'd
spank me; she did this because she loved me. So if I got beat it was
because I was bad-- not because she was out of control.
last part took a long time to get fully rooted out, for me. To really wrap my head around the truth was very hard; it didn't change the truth, though: She was out
of control.
She beat me for the last time when I was about 14 or 15.
She hit me the last time when I was about 23. I was still trying to
come to grips with the fact that "it was wrong, that she actually
assaulted me!" when I was 30 and she threatened me. She never hit me
again, because I told her if she did, I'd call the police. My Dad
stood in support of me, and she knew it, so she backed down. I told
her assault wasn't chastisement, that loving someone did not mean
beating the shit out of them when they said or did something you
didn't like.
an adult. If you lay one hand on me or my children, that's assault,
and I will press charges.”
were some of the most powerful words I ever said to her. Her strength
over me was gone; her perceived moral high-ground, if you will. That
place abusers are mentally where it makes it OK for them-- in their
own minds-- to hurt, harm and physically attack people.
if she was a man, a partner, that would have set her off, and there
is a very good chance that only my Dad being present would have
prevented an attack. I've noticed abusers tend not to act physically
in the presence of others. They need the quiet, the solitude, the
shadows, to act. They don't want people to see. Not people who will
act to prevent it, anyway. Little kids are fine, they'll be
intimidated into shutting the fuck up, and doing what the fuck
they're told!
I don't have any
personal experience in being beaten by an intimate partner. I have a
sister who has been harmed; I have friends and former friends who
were harmed. I feel pretty damned lucky that I escaped that. Once my
ex came close. Too close.
We were packing the car
to go to Michigan. He said something about how it was all my fault we
were moving, that it was my fault we weren't staying in Texas.
“You got out of the
Army, never found work, and did you best to make sure I got fired!
You kept dropping the kids off at the studio when I was working! How
is this my fault?” I was frustrated and angry. I'd already told him
I wasn't even sure I wanted him to go with me and my kids. He could
stay in Texas for all I cared.
He got angry and turned
to me. Then, to my surprise he grabbed my arms and leaned in like he
was going to bite off my nose.
“Go ahead,” I said,
quirking my left eyebrow. I do that when I'm making a point. It's my
all purpose quirk. I even do it when I'm making a dead-pan joke. You
can tell though, when I'm not amused, I do it when I'm getting close
to pissed off. It's the “go ahead, make my day” face: quirked
eyebrow, flat eyes, thinned lips.
“Go ahead,” I said
again, reaching up to take off my glasses and calmly setting them on the car roof. “I dare you. Hit me. Right here, in the car park. See if I
don't press charges after I make you eat pavement. Hit me right here, in front of God and every
I wasn't afraid,
strangely enough. I was numb. We weren't going to be married for much
longer, I knew. If he finally decided to hit me, it wouldn't have
surprised me one bit. He'd wanted to punch me for a long time, I
He backed off.
I was lucky.
Most of the time that
doesn't happen. If the attack doesn't happen out there, “in front
of God and every body”, it happens as soon as the door is closed,
as soon as no adult is there to see it. As soon as the abuser has the
privacy he needs to perpetrate his actions.
My ex knew I'd not only
let him hit me, I'd beat the shit out of him in retaliation, and
still get his ass thrown in jail. Texas does that, at least. Then I'd
have the kids, the furniture and be in Michigan, while he'd have
nothing. I would have left him there. He knew that.
He knew he was wrong.
Most abusers don't
think they're wrong. They know in their hearts they're right, and if
only she hadn't done that, said that, make that face, looked at him
like that, then he wouldn't have had to hit her! She made him!
My mother always told
us that. If only we had not done that thing, she would not have had to hit us.
She was also wrong.
I hope Refuge gets
their message out. I really do. I don't want anyone to be abused. And
if someone is, I want them to know where to go to be safe. No one
deserves to be hit, smacked, beaten. No one deserves to have their bodily boundaries invaded like that.
If you are being
abused, by your parents, in the name of God, or your boyfriend or
girlfriend because “you're making them”, please, listen to me...
There is no reason to
ever do that.
No one made them hit.
They chose.
Now, you need to
choose: Please run like hell!
Call 9-1-1, or call the "non-emergency line" for local police resources. Speak to your school counsellor and they can get Child Protective Services (or whatever it's called in your state) involved. You can call your local women's shelter, too.
Go to The Hotline
[National Domestic Violence Hotline]
or call them at 1.800.799.SAFE
What if you don't know
if you're in an abusive relationship? Or someone you know might be?
Go here, to the HelpGuide. They have a really good listing of signs,
and link back to the Hotline.
Or go here, to the
National Centre for Victims of Crime. At the bottom is a listing of
some helpful orgs, but the body is very full of information.
This graphic is the circle of violence. Not all violence is physical, but it's all wrong.
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