The Freeh Report, on Penn State's complicity...
Trigger Warning: Today I'm referencing the Penn State rape cases, and the report Director Freeh put out today, from his investigation.
As always, when I talk about abuse, or abusers, I include contact information.
Here they are. If you, or someone you know is being abused or is thinking of ending their life, please get help.
SNAP: 1.877.SNAPHEALS (1.877.762.7432)
RAINN's online hotline or call 1.800.656.HOPE (4673)
The Trevor Project: 1.866.488.7386
The Hotline (DV): 1.800.799.SAFE (7233)
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1.800.273.8255
This will be my final
blog about the Sandusky-Penn State sex abuse catastrophe. I might
blurb when the various sentences comes down. I hadn't intended to
write about it again, after Sandusky was convicted. But this morning
I was looking at CNN and found a vid that disturbed me greatly. You
can see it, and two others here. [Yeah, I know, CNN's vids aren't laid out the best but it's worth the
hassle this time.]
I'd highly recommend
you take a peek, as Former FBI Director Louis Freeh has finished his
investigation. If you've followed the story at all, or are curious as to "how it got so out of hand" this report will explain more than you ever wanted to know.
For those who were certain Paterno, Curley, Spanier and the lot of them would be found blameless, or at the very most scolded for being naughty and not telling quickly enough, you're not going to like this at all. This report is scathing... to say the very least.
And I, for one, and glad of it! The time for cosseting the feelings of Penn State are over! Their reputation deserves the hit it's taking, and so does everyone involved.When you choose to protect an abuser, a rapist, you really do deserve what you get.
The video of Freeh's
speech will be all over the internet for the next few weeks, and
months. I would expect several more people to go to prison over their
actions, or should I say “choice of inaction” and I hope that Joe
Paterno's reputation is forever ruined by his own actions. I wouldn't
be surprised if the victims read-- perhaps even studied-- the
investigative report and then sued the pants off the University, the
Board, the President of the Uni, the former President, and everyone
else involved-- including the Paterno estate.
They have every right
to gain recompense-- even if the so-called high priest of football is
Before I get too far
in, let me U-turn back to the report.
You can see it here,
(PDF). It's rather long and opens as they always do with methodology.
This is important in investigations, especially ones that might
cause, help, expand criminal probes. In this case Freeh and his
people were scientists, and therefore showed us exactly where they
got the information that they got.
This is very very
important, and will come into play later as the authorities continue
their own criminal investigation. [I saved a copy of the PDF to my
desktop, if you're having trouble getting to load, or whatever, let
me know, and I'll email it to you if you like.]
In the introduction, on
page 11, comes the first damning remarks-- the Introduction!
Special Investigative Counsel had unfettered access to University
staff, as well as to data and documents maintained throughout the
University. The University staff provided a large volume of raw data
from computer systems, individual computers and communications
devices. The Special investigative Counsel performed the forensic
analysis and review of this raw data independent of the University
staff. From this review and analysis, the Special Investigative
Counsel discovered the most important document in this
investigation—emails among former President Graham B. Spanier,
former Senior Vice President-Finance and Business Gary C. Schultz and
Athletic Director Timothy M. Curley from 1998 and 2001-- relating to
Sandusky's crimes. The Special Investigative Counsel immediately
provided these documents to law enforcement when they were
discovered. [emphasis added]
last paragraph on the 11th
page... still in the intro where Freeh tell us everything they did in
a very cursory fashion, and we learn about emails. “The most
important documents in this investigation”, it says. The Most
Important. That can't be good for the people at that Uni, present and
past, who tried like hell to cover things up, can it...
me answer my own question by pointing you to page 14, the Findings:
most saddening finding by the Special Investigative Counsel is the
total and consisted disregard by the most senior leaders at
Penn State for the safety and welfare of Sandusky's victims. As
the Grand Jury similarly noted in its presentment1,
there was no “attempt to investigate, to identify Victim
2, or to protect that child or any others from similar confuse except
as related to preventing its co-occurrence on University property.”
[emphasis added]
echoes Director Freeh's opening statement
[text] as he released his findings this morning. [the "findings" portion of
the speech, not the opening, "hey, here we are, we were totally
independent and shit, and you can see our website here", part]
“Our most
saddening and sobering finding is the total disregard for the safety
and welfare of Sandusky's child victims by the most senior leaders at
Penn State. The most powerful
men at Penn State failed to take any steps for 14 years to protect
the children who Sandusky victimized. Messrs. Spanier,
Schultz, Paterno and Curley never demonstrated, through actions or
words, any concern for the safety and well-being of Sandusky's
victims until after Sandusky's arrest.” [emphasis added]
know that many people don't want to hear this next part. They want to
believe that Paterno made a mistake, he screwed up just once, and it
doesn't taint his entire career, I mean everyone messes up, right? Much as we might wish, that just is not the case.
quote Freeh's statement again, “(2) Mr. Paterno said that
"I didn't know exactly how to handle it and I was afraid to do
something that might jeopardize what the university procedure was.
So I backed away and turned it over to some other people, people I
thought would have a little more expertise than I did. It didn't work
out that way." [emphasis added]
By law the "University procedure"
would have been to notify the police immediately. Often they ask you
call the board of directors, too-- but that's not always necessary.
Following the law, that's procedure. Coaches are "mandated reporters" just like doctors and teachers-- I don't think it matters that the coach in question was for university level.*
man was a little older than my grandmother, when he died earlier this year. He
could have been one of her friends, they were in the same cohort. My
grandmother, liar for Jesus that she is, knows what to do when she
sees a kid being raped. She knows she has to call the cops. So
Paterno had no excuse. Shit, he could have called crime stoppers and
made an anonymous tip! A lot of people do that when they don't want to be caught telling the cops about a crime. But it's still the right thing to do... they told, so someone could help! Hell, an anonymous call to Child Protective Services would have been a decent thing to do. Then he could have pretended to be just "shocked! shocked there was gambling at this establishment!" Covered his reputation just perfectly, I tell ya.
But Paterno did nothing, except put the screws to anyone who said call the cops. Better to treat it in-house... better to be silent. Better to pretend that nothing happened, or would happen... I mean, they told him not to bring guests to Penn State any more, so they did their part... right?
course that's just as bad as Curley and Schultz's reasons: they
wanted to be “humane” to Sandusky... but who gives a fuck about
the kids he was raping! They weren't humane to them!
Reputations are shredding by the word. In the world of universities, academia, research and football, reputation is all you have. Reputation brings in the good professors, the research grants, the sports nuts and their big money.
went on, “...Messrs. Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley also
failed to alert the Board of Trustees about the 1998 investigation or
take any further action against Mr. Sandusky. None of them
even spoke to Sandusky about his conduct.
In short, nothing was done and
Sandusky was allowed to continue with impunity. Based on the
evidence, the only known, intervening factor between the
decision made on February 25, 2001 by Messrs. Spanier, Curley and
Schulz to report the incident to the Department of Public Welfare,
and then agreeing not to do so on February 27th, was Mr. Paterno's
February 26th conversation with Mr. Curley.
We never had the opportunity to talk with Mr. Paterno, but he did say
what he told McQueary on February 10, 2011 when McQueary reported
what he saw Sandusky doing in the shower the night before: "You
did what you had to do. It is my job now to figure out what we want
to do." Why would anyone have to figure out what had to be done
in these circumstances? We also know that he delayed
reporting Sandusky's sexual conduct because Mr. Paterno did not "want
to interfere" with people's weekend....Even
though they all knew about the 1998 incident, the best they could
muster to protect Sandusky's victims was to ask Sandusky not to bring
his "guests" into the Penn State facilities.” [emphasis
would you have to figure out, indeed?!
was angry when Paterno died, because I felt he would be sainted by
Penn State's alumni, staff, fans and students.
I was afraid that this man who was their high priest of football
would get away with enabling rape. For a time, he did. Calling out his
actions caused people to damn near riot! "Fuck those guys! But Football!"
we were right. Those of us who demanded an accounting for Paterno,
who refused to let his death wash away his sins of inaction,
interference and allowing the child rape to continue have some
measure of comfort knowing that Director Freeh and his crew of
tireless investigators have uncovered the truth of Paterno's
involvement in a very short seven and half months.
wasn't that sweet old man who had “no idea!” He wasn't confused.
He wasn't in the dark.
knew, and like Curley and Schultz, and everyone else, he worked--
actually worked!-- to cover those crimes up, so that his beloved job
and reputation and University wouldn't be marred.
those kids, is what they all said. The boys were a sacrifice on the
altar of football, and it was OK with them. Their University kept its
ivory walls, and pristine appearance, while those boys, now men,
suffered with the consequences.
Today's report quotes Freeh, “At a press conference in Philadelphia
after the report was released Freeh said Paterno, who died
in January of cancer, could have stopped the abuse "if
he so wished.” [emphasis added, link below]
he wished.
didn't start this blog to speak ill of the dead. I'd do that without
blogging if it was necessary. I wrote to to contrast the truth with
the perceived sainthood of this man.
Paterno was really the saint, the “JoePa” of Penn State, he would
never have ignored the evil in his midst. He would have shouted from
the rooftops as soon as he was alerted.
he was really a good man, he would have damned the University to hell
before he let kids be raped.
he was really a good man, a saint, he would have done everything in
his power-- which was considerable-- to make sure Sandusky was
prosecuted as soon as the first accusation was raised.
he was a selfish, cruel enabler.
Paterno has no legacy that anyone should aspire to. Neither does
Athletic Director Tim Curley, or former Penn State President Graham
Spanier... none of these men deserve accolades. They deserve prison
is dead, so prison is out, but his legacy, all those millions he
poured into Penn State don't need his name attached any more. They
need to be named in memory of the lost innocence of those men who
were raped on his watch.
hope his estate does the right thing, and starts pouring money into
helping the men who were raped and abused by Sandusky at Paterno's
silence and assent.
not, I hope those men sue them for everything they have.
is blind, but she's not stupid. In this case, justice is not
Paterno's name in lights, and his family living in the lap of luxury.
Justice is those men who were raped as little boys getting help,
counselling and everything else they need to put their lives
men never turn their backs on those weaker than they. Good men protect the weak. Good men never
turn away from someone who needs help-- even in the face of “But
am glad that Director Freeh released the investigative report
I'm glad that Reuters wasn't afraid
to state so plainly “Penn State leaders including former President
Graham Spanier and late football coach Joe Paterno covered up Jerry
Sandusky's child sexual abuse for years to save the reputation of the
school and its multimillion-dollar football program, former FBI
director Louis Freeh said on Thursday.”[emphasis added]
glad that the Board really did mean it when they said they would be
hands off the investigation. when they asked Freeh to find the truth.
I'm glad that the Pennsylvania AG isn't
done digging for the truth and seeks to hold those accountable who
contributed to this harm
glad Sandusky is in prison.
hope Curley and Schultz and Spanier end up there, too. They're going
to trial in the near future as it is, although I'm certain there will
be amended charges after this report.
just wish that Paterno could have lived long enough to join them.
ChicagoTribune, where I found
the link to the PDF.
your pick, there are countless versions of the story, all telling the
same facts. Here are the first three I read.
*"In many U.S. states and Australia, mandated reporters are professionals who, in the ordinary course of their work and because they have regular contact with children, disabled persons, senior citizens, or other identified vulnerable populations, are required to report (or cause a report to be made) whenever financial, physical, sexual or other types of abuse has been observed or is suspected, or when there is evidence of neglect, knowledge of an incident, or an imminent risk of serious harm.
These professionals can be held liable by both the civil and criminal legal systems for intentionally failing to make a report ." [quoted from linked Wikipedia article]
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