Declaration in today's English
I originally "translated" the Declaration in 2006 as a lark. I made a joke that it was our divorce papers from Britain, and my professor told me I should run with that, and write about it. I thought and thought, and here's the end result. I've updated it as little, done some tweaking, but it's pretty much the way it was when I did it.
This is a joke, but it's also a decent explanation of precisely what the Declaration really was: it was justification to the world for turning our backs on our "Mother Country." We had to make it look good, had to have "good" reasons, acceptable ones, for something to horrific and egregious as treason on the grand scale we embarked upon, when we, the Colonies, dubbed ourselves the United States of America.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Declaration of Independence, in the language of America, 2012:
Congress on July 4, 1776
We all
decided, all thirteen of us-- you can call us the United States of
know, things change, and time passes, and sometimes it’s necessary
for one part of a country to leave the other part and get divorced;
it’s necessary for that newly single country to make its own laws,
and to be on its own; it’s also the normal thing, for that newly
divorced country to be single in the eyes of the rest of the world
[divorce party anyone? Our place, tomorrow!], and that they should
probably explain why they got divorced.
believe there is some stuff that's so obvious we don’t even need to
mention it to you, but we will: all humans are created equal, that they’re given
certain rights from the Creator that can't be taken away; and that
some of those rights are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
[which means getting stuff!!] We think that to protect these rights,
the Government is made by normal people, and gets to be in charge,
because we said so. We also think, if the government stops helping
and protecting them, the people have the right to make changes, or
fire the government and start over. The new one, of course, would be
made with the job of providing safety and happiness for the people.
If we’re smart [and of course, we are!], we know that governments
shouldn’t be over-thrown every day, especially when they’ve been
around for awhile- and not for just any reason; but, we’ve seen
too, that humans are usually ready to deal with horrible things from
their government, rather than risk making a new one- “Better the
devil you know…” But when there is such a long list of terrible
things the government has done, absolute tyranny and evil, then the
people must fire them, and make a new one. [In other words, we don't want to support battered wife syndrome any more, OK?]
is what we've done, and we went through a lot of pain before deciding
to do so. We’ve been patient, but the King of Great Britian has
done so many things, over and over, all in order to be an absolute
dictator over us [and talk about abusive!].
prove our case for “country-divorce” let us list our troubles for
the world to see:
didn't let us make laws, to protect the people.
didn't even let his own Governors pass laws, even the very important
and needed ones; at least until he could approve of them all himself.
However, while we waited, he forgot about us, and ignored the laws
needing his attention.
wouldn't let us send in our counts [our population has grown so much
and we deserve Representatives under the Parliment], and so the new
citizens had to give up their right to representation: this is
something that only a true tyrant and real jerk would do!
another thing, he called our representatives away for out of town
business, it’s not like we can take a ship from Boston to London in
three days or something! And when he calls them, he makes sure that
it’s hard to get to all the important public records and
information they need [we, unfortunately don't have Wikipedia or
Google]. The only reason for this is to embarrass them into doing
what he wants.
fired all of our representative houses, the Colonial congresses,
several times; the only thing they did was tell him he was taking the
rights from the people.
firing the Representative, he wouldn’t let us elect more, not for a
long time; this killed the legislative abilities of the people. This
also left the States without protection from crime, and they were
unable to protect the people from being invaded.
wouldn’t even let people who moved into the States become citizens.
By not passing laws that made it legal, and easier for them to come
here, he’s preventing population growth and making it so people
don’t want to come.
obstructed justice, by not signing the laws we need for judges.
only that, but he pays the judges, and decides how long they sit on
their benches; this makes them want to do only what he wants, rather
than be fair and lawful [Ol' Boys network, just can't get away from it, can we?].
created all sorts of new official government jobs, and sent hordes of
them here specifically to harrass the people, and eat us out of house
and home (because he’s making us feed them, or go to prison).
He has
had armed soldiers all over the place, during peace time, keeping an
eye on us, without our permission.
even made the military immune to the civillian authorities, and even
considers them to be more powerful.
He has
even gotten together with some of his buddies (in the Parliment) to
make us follow some so-called laws, that are illegal. He has signed
several acts into law, from their immoral, unjust, and illegal laws:
that forces us to move them in, feed and provide for a very large
army of soldiers, who just happen to be armed to the teeth.
that set up fake trials for murders they committed on us (also known
as playing pretend).
that cut off our free trade with the rest of the world (so we can’t
sell to anyone but Britain, or buy from anyone but Britain).
that taxes us, without our consent (by having our own people in the
Parliament to represent us, we just want to be heard).
took away our right to trial by jury.
drags us off to Britain for false crimes, to have a trial there,
that changed the laws that rule Canada, setting up a government of
his own people, and making it much larger; he’s using it as an
example of what he can do here.
took away our Charters and Constitutions, got rid of our laws, and
changed our governments.
closed our own Legislature, fired them, and sent them home, and
claims that the only ones who can make laws for us, is the
King has given up governing us here, by saying we were no longer
protected by the British crown, and by going to war against us.
attacked us at sea, pillaged on the coasts, burned up our towns and
killed many of our people (those that lived, were ruined).
He is,
right now, bringing a large army of German mercenaries to kill us; he
started this with his soldiers, but will continue it with cruel
barbarians- not something the ruler of a civilised nation would do,
but more like an abusive spouse.
He has
allowed and encouraged us to be kidnapped from our ships, and forced
us to fight against our own country- to kill our friends and family,
or to be killed by them.
He has
caused fights among us, and tried to kill the people who are living
on the frontiers, by hiring the “Indian Savages” (who kill
everyone, men, women and children).
time the King and Parliament have done these things to us, we’ve
asked, begged and pleaded for them to stop; we’ve been given more
of the same. A King, who acts like this, is a true tyrant, and isn’t
good enough to rule free people.
haven’t ignored our British cousins. We did warn them, every once
in a while, that when they tried to make laws over us, they were over
their pay grade. We reminded them why we moved here, and why we live
here now. We asked them to look into their hearts for kindness; we
reminded them that we are related- we’re brothers- and asked them
to protest this treatment from the King (which we knew would probably
cause us to divorce them.) They haven’t listened either, and so, we
accept that it is needed to separate from them. We will count them
the same as any other country: enemies in war time, friends in peace.
Representatives the newly formed United States of America, got together on
this, and now appeal to the Supreme Judge of the world to witness our
honesty in this choice; we do in the Name, and by the Authority of
the People of the Colonies solemnly declare:
these United Colonies are (and have every right to be) free and
independent states; that they are divorced from any connection to the
British Crown, and all political connections between them and Great Britain are completely disolved. As free states, they have the power
to make war, peace, friendships or alliances, set up commerce and
anything else that Independent States have a right to do.
in support of this Declaration, asking for the protection of Divine
Providence, we promise our lives, money and honour to one another. [In other words, we, the undersigned, are all in this together.]
Lyman Hall
Geo. Walton
Lyman Hall
Geo. Walton
Joseph Hewes
John Penn
Edward Rutledge
Thos. Heyward, Junr.
Thomas Lynch, Junr.
Arthur Middleton
Joseph Hewes
John Penn
Edward Rutledge
Thos. Heyward, Junr.
Thomas Lynch, Junr.
Arthur Middleton
Wm. Paca
Thos. Stone
Charles Carroll of Carrollton
George Wythe
Richard Henry Lee
Th. Jefferson
Benja. Harrison
Thos. Nelson, Jr.
Francis Lightfoot Lee
Carter Braxton
Wm. Paca
Thos. Stone
Charles Carroll of Carrollton
George Wythe
Richard Henry Lee
Th. Jefferson
Benja. Harrison
Thos. Nelson, Jr.
Francis Lightfoot Lee
Carter Braxton
Benjamin Rush
Benja. Franklin
John Morton
Geo. Clymer
Jas. Smith
Geo. Taylor
James Wilson
Benjamin Rush
Benja. Franklin
John Morton
Geo. Clymer
Jas. Smith
Geo. Taylor
James Wilson
Caesar Rodney
Geo. Read
Tho. Mckean
Caesar Rodney
Geo. Read
Tho. Mckean
Phil. Livingston
Frans. Lewis
Lewis Morris
Richd. Stockton
Jno. Witherspoon
Fras. Hopkinson
John Hart
Abra. Clark
Phil. Livingston
Frans. Lewis
Lewis Morris
Richd. Stockton
Jno. Witherspoon
Fras. Hopkinson
John Hart
Abra. Clark
Wm. Whipple
Saml. Adams
John Adams
Robt. Treat Paine
Elbridge Gerry
Step. Hopkins
William Ellery
Roger Sherman
Samuel Huntington
Wm. Williams
Oliver Wolcott
Matthew Thornton
Wm. Whipple
Saml. Adams
John Adams
Robt. Treat Paine
Elbridge Gerry
Step. Hopkins
William Ellery
Roger Sherman
Samuel Huntington
Wm. Williams
Oliver Wolcott
Matthew Thornton
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