
Showing posts from July, 2012

Sorrow for the Aurora, Colorado shooting victims.

In Remembrance... Friday morning, I woke up, expecting it to be a normal Friday. Instead I was confronted with news splashed across cyberspace and in real-time about a shooting in Colorado. I was full of sorrow for the victims, and their families. Those who were lost, and those who were wounded have my deepest, most heart-felt thoughts and sadness. I know I can't undo it. I know I can't bring anyone back, or heal anyone's hurt. I know this, and yet I wish so badly that I could. I know I'm not the only person who feels that way. Because I can't, let me just hold my little light in the blog-osphere, and add my wishes for a quick recovery for those who were injured. My small condolences don't mean much to those who are in the middle of this mess-- but I am human, and I care, and I can't help but add them. Photo credit to

Meandering thoughts on ghost stories and the paranormal/paranatural Part 2

Trigger Warning: This is part two. Part one was yesterday. Just like yesterday, for the sake of simplicity I lump all stories of the paranormal/natural together as a ghost story. This includes faeries, demons, ghosts and everything else. It's just easier that way for me. I wrote about lizard-men, shadow people and black-eyed kids. These are weird things that don't have an explanation that I know of, that explains them in their entirety. If you can't handle scary stories, then skip this one, too. These are more creepy things, but I don't want to set off anyone's anxiety. I do try to be rational. I read these stories with a 50 pound bag of salt; rarely do I take them at face value. I know there are things that I don't know, and don't understand-- but I also know that sleep paralysis is not caused by a hag sitting on you, and that you're not being sexually molested by an incubus if you have a sexy dream at night. That doesn't chang...

Meandering thoughts on ghost stories and the paranormal/paranatural Part 1

Trigger Warning: This one meanders a bit and is long. I found myself meandering much longer than I initially expected as I let myself think "aloud" about these things. For the sake of simplicity I lump all stories of the paranormal/natural together as a ghost story. This includes faeries, demons, ghosts and everything else. It's just easier that way for me. I discuss my thoughts on ghost story comments, similarities in stories and then share a couple short experiences I've had. There is mockery as well as sarcasm. There is a little thoughtful exposition and a lot of "hmmm". If you can't handle scary stories, then skip this one. I know some people don't like them, and I don't want to cause nightmares. This is part one. Part Two, tomorrow. I've said it before, I love a good ghost story. Every where I've lived I've sought out the stories that happened "just over there, in that building". I love hearing people's exp...

The Freeh Report, on Penn State's complicity...

Trigger Warning: Today I'm referencing the Penn State rape cases, and the report Director Freeh put out today, from his investigation. As always, when I talk about abuse, or abusers, I include contact information. Here they are. If you, or someone you know is being abused or is thinking of ending their life, please get help.  SNAP: 1.877.SNAPHEALS (1.877.762.7432) RAINN's online hotline or call 1.800.656.HOPE (4673) The Trevor Project: 1.866.488.7386 The Hotline (DV): 1.800.799.SAFE (7233) National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1.800.273.8255   This will be my final blog about the Sandusky-Penn State sex abuse catastrophe. I might blurb when the various sentences comes down. I hadn't intended to write about it again, after Sandusky was convicted. But this morning I was looking at CNN and found a vid that disturbed me greatly. You can see it, and two others here . [Yeah, I know, CNN's vids aren't laid out the best but it's worth the hassle ...

“How to look your best the morning after”, PSA make-up tutorial

Trigger Warning: This post deals with domestic violence from both intimate partners and parents. This can be triggering for persons who have been trhough this. As always, if you're being hurt, please seek help! There are some numbers at the bottom of the blog, and you can always call the Hotline at 1.800.799.SAFE.   I technically have a log-in for YouTube, just like everyone else with a Google log-in. I never post anything, and never surf it. If I'm over at YouTube, it's because I'm looking for something specific, or a friend sent me a song or game vid link. I've even gone digging when I heard about “newspaper print nails” [that'd be using newspaper like silly putty to print in your fingernails, it looks pretty cool] but I had never gone looking for make-up tips on YouTube. This is why I had missed the make-up videos posted by the very talented Ms. Lauren Luke. [her channel is here , if you're interested. She's a very good make-up artist, and f...