Good Morning! Or Good afternoon, or evening. Well, it's morning somewhere in the world, so let's start there, and go forward. If it's late enough for it to be Happy Hour, feel free to raise a glass for me! I love me some Guinness, and a Half-and-Half (also called a Black and Tan) wouldn't be amiss. However, first, we have our provisos-- and there are several: *If uppity women offend you, you're going to want to use that back button up there, in the top of your browser. *If women with strong opinions bother you, ditto. *Leave if you've got a thing against Pagans, free-thinkers, non-Christians, people who think Atheists are OK, questioners, seekers and all persons rabble-rouser: go now! *Tattoos and body piercings don't make me an ex-con, worthless or less than you, thank you. *If you feel that disagreeing with you is persecuting you: leave and take your stupid with you. *If it's not OK, that I'm pro-abortion, pro-choice, pro-Wo...
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