Riiiight, the Bishops have the moral authority to investigate the Girl Scouts? Bitch, please!
Trigger Warning:
blog is about abuses by the Roman Catholic Church, and their newest
fiasco. It is a rant. It is not kind. If you are Catholic, you might
want to skip this one.
As always, if you or someone you know is being abused. Please please please call RAINN [1.800.656.HOPE, or go to http://www.rainn.org/ and you can speak with someone on their online help, through safe, secure IMs] or SNAP [1.877.SNAPHEALS/ 1.877.762.7432] , or your local child welfare office. Talk to someone you trust, have them go with you to speak with the police if need be. Just don't be afraid to speak out.
There is help out there, and I want you to find it! You aren't alone.
been asked why I tend to call out the Christians the most often. Why I
rant and rave about them the most. It's very simple: those calling
themselves Christians, in every denomination, Catholic and Protestant,
make up the majority of religious people in the United States. The vast
majority of our elected officials are christians; most of our cops, our
fire-fighters, our policy makers, our teachers, our co-workers, and
everyone around us. They are all christians. Therefore, they support and
shore up the privilege that that religion has in the US. They benefit
from it, in every form, and are guilty of every discrimination that
takes place in the name of their faith. Every time they don't speak out
against the evil perpetrated in the name of their religious, they are
acting in support of it. Being the member of the majority religion
doesn't protect you from disagreements; we Pagans, Atheists,
Free-Thinkers, we're not going back in the closest. We're not hiding,
and we're not forgiving. Most of us were raised in that faith, so we do
know what the fuck we're talking about when we say, "No, you're not a
good christian, you're not obeying your God, so stop trying to throat
fuck me with your faith!"
That's why I call out christians, why I rail against them. If you're a
christian, and you don't like it, then be brave, stand up, shout out,
and push against the flow. Be a Real Christian, not a mouthpiece of the
Far Right. Maybe live that whole idea: What Would Jesus Do? [Here's a hint, never go into your churches, for one. Jesus was a Jew!]
if you will, an organisation that takes in billions of dollars every
year. They spend a small portion of it in their locales and send the
rest to their headquarters to be banked.
have very strict employment policies; so strict in fact that if you
discuss them with the wrong person-- although you've never signed an
NDA-- you can be fired! Because of these policies, this organisation
has trouble getting enough people to do the work, and often relies on
unpaid, or low paid interns/volunteers.
also have very strict rules of behaviour for their employees.
Everything from what to wear, to how to dress, to what to say to
whom. If they don't follow it, they can be punished by losing their
organisation has been under fire for unethical and illegal practices.
Not surprisingly the vast majority of people who patronise this
organisation are completely ignoring the news articles about it, and
are completely content to keep buying what they're being sold.
I know, I hear ya! What company hasn't been under fire for doing
illegal shit, right?
organisation has also taken it upon themselves to start an
investigation into the Girl Scouts of the US.
organisation is the Roman Catholic Church, represented here in the US
by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and of course
the Catholic in the pew who gives them money, power and legitimacy.
the RCC took it upon themselves to cover for, move and protect child
rapists. No, I won't say “alleged”; you don't run if you're
innocent. They ran, leaving urine trails behind them; they ran like
cockroaches when you turn the light on them. They're rapists! The
priests who abused the parishioners, the Bishops who protected them,
the Cardinals who moved them around, and everyone who played “Hear
no evil, see no evil” about it are as guilty as if they had
committed those rapes themselves... and unfortunately there's
indications that some of them did!
as if that's not enough, the Church starts fighting the law in so
many countries! They are above the law, you see, “we must obey God
blah blah”... even when that means protecting evil men from
justice. Of course, this utterly disregards everything their Jesus
said about children, and protecting them [Better that he hang a
millstone about his neck and drown than hurt a hair on the heads of
these little ones. Paraphrased, Luke 17:2] Here in the US there's a
trial going on in Pennsylvania, and I hope they all go to prison
have learned that rather than call the cops, these men have
consistently called their superiors, and then “sent for treatment”
anyone accused of molesting, raping or assaulting children.
Paedophilia can't be treated with counselling... it's one of those
things that doesn't go away!
but that's cool, they're the One True Church ™ and so they have
about a billion adherents (yes, I mean that literally, according to
the CIA World Factbook
one third of the world is Christian, and 16% is RCC. That comes out
to be roughly 1.12 billion people [that's 7 billion multiplied by
16%, very simple maths, nothing complicated]). The RCC has told their
followers in Africa that condoms cause AIDS, so even though there are
countries devastated by that epidemic, they're following their
beloved el Papa and not protecting themselves from a virus that is
killing them. They are dutifully having AIDS infected babies, and
dying... martyrs, I guess, for the cause of the Roman Catholic's
vendetta against birth control.*
that wasn't enough. That control, telling people that using IVF is
against God, that fertility treatment of any kind is arrogant, and
sinful. Telling people that abortion is going to send them to hell,
that it's never all right to limit your family, no matter how badly
your health is affected. That universal health coverage is evil and
wrong; the starving children are to be ignored, that war is A-OK!
That's not enough for Ratzinger.
he went after the nuns here in the US.
instituted an investigation into the Women Religious here in the US
(isn't that the coolest phrase, women religious?!) The results came
back a few weeks ago. The Nuns here in the US were reprimanded for
not spending more time railing against equality and LGBT protections,
and were instead feeding the poor, clothing the naked, working to
stop the war.
he reprimanded them for being christians. They weren't Republican
enough, those Nuns! How dare they be so feminist! How dare they feed
the hungry and protest the war! They need to be out there in their
flying-nun costumes screaming at women outside clinics! They should
have been screaming and protesting against women's ordination! No gay
marriage for anyone!
know, instead of being Christian, and doing what their Jesus said:
Love your neighbour.
wish I was joking. I wish I was making fun,
exaggerating. I wish it so bad! You can get a decent idea from the
article Jezebel published about it
I'm not Catholic. Never have been, never wanted to be. The closest I
ever came was studying the Orthodox Church, and deciding it wasn't
for me. I've always been uncomfortable with the idea of a Pope, or
any One Single, Solitary Religious Leader Who Totally Speaks With The
Voice Of The Almighty! [Another reason why the LDS church was an
instant “flee from this shit” for me.]
know that the Magdalene Laundries were horrible places of abuse. I
know the Sisters there perpetrated the abuse, and turned a blind eye
to anything done by the priests.
know that generations of school children were taught their Hail,
Mary's and Our Father's by severe woman arms with yardsticks and
know that the nuns were and are not innocent of the abuses of the
children of the RCC.
also know that the vast majority of nuns work in the community where
they live. They work with homeless shelters, domestic violence
shelters, food banks. They protest the wars in the world by camping
out near nukes and pouring their own blood on to the ground! That's
some heavy protesting, don't you think!? Pouring out your own blood
in protest of the death and destruction that missiles bring.
know that they work with LGBT kids who are on the streets, and even
distribute condoms freely to these kids, who are often sex workers.
These nuns are on the streets with us, you and me, and see the
day-to-day shit that falls on normal people.
bishops reprimanding them, the Cardinals so afraid of their power
amongst the laity, they aren't. They're the ones in the pretty
dresses and I love the Cardinals' red hats! They're the ones prancing
around like ageing drag queens, utterly surrounded by money, power
and prestige. They have no clue what it's like to be a normal person,
or even a real christian.
they have the power to tell the nuns to knock it off.
that's not enough. Not nearly enough. The nuns are reeling; the
Cardinals are happy; the laity is confused. Now it's time to get
those Girl Scouts!
still not joking.
E. Hunt wrote a fantasticopinion for Religious Dispatches about this one. The Bishops here in
the States have decided that Girl Scouts USA is a hotbed of lesbian,
feminist, pro-abortion, anti-family, anti-church, pro-women activity.
Or something like that!
these men, who can't even behave themselves, have decided that they
need to investigate these girls, this organisation. Because they
don't know if they “want to be associated with” the Girl Scouts.
They don't know if they want to be associated with an organisation
that has proven over and over again that they're full of integrity,
inclusiveness and wants to teach girls that there are opportunities
out there for them! There is something gravely wrong with a church
hierarchy that doesn't want girls and woman to reach their potential,
that doesn't want us to grow, to be ourselves, to be strong and
independent, to be real people!
something wrong with the parishioners, too.
asked before, and I'll ask again:
How in the hell can
someone call themselves a Catholic in this day and age?
you're so conservative, so pre-Vatican II, so Ratzinger cloned that
you think they're honestly truly right; how can you support an
institution so corrupt, so arrogant, so evil?
can Catholics stand by every day knowing there are kids who were
raped, their lives ruined, while the priests went on to another
parish, and more innocents to pillage?
can Catholics go to mass, give their money, knowing it will go to the
monolith known as the Vatican-- and often used to defend these child
rapists in court, or buy yet more red Prada shoes for the Pope?
can anyone call themselves a christian and not stand up against the
injustice and inequality that is rampant in the RCC?
know the average Catholic in the pews is supportive of marriage
equality, and often women's ordination. I know that almost every
single Catholic woman has used birth control, or is using it [the
rest probably will at some point]. I know that most Catholics look at
the world in a truly catholic fashion, a Universal way, inclusive and
they call themselves Catholic, and don't stand up railing against the
Pope and his ilk when he claims to speak for their God.
the Pope speaks for God, I never want to meet that guy. He's an evil,
self-centred, nasty, genocidal, hateful deity, and I don't ever want
to see such a Personage.
leaves me to believe that Catholics might not like what the Pope
says, but maybe they're afraid he's right, after all? Maybe they feel
that they don't know for sure, and want to be certain, so they'll
stay Catholic, and get absolved, just in case?
modern-day American Catholicism is a gigantic display of Pascal's
that, or they agree, and just aren't admitting it.
that leaves people like me, who aren't Catholic. We're the ones
standing with the sisters, supporting nuns in a faith we don't agree
with, giving our support to the Girl Scouts, even if our kids aren't
in it. We're the ones railing against the anti-condom stance; the
ones giving them out on Catholic campuses, sending more money to buy
them, to protect the kids out there. We're the ones who aren't afraid
to call out that prancing little fuck who calls himself the
Rottweiler of God.**
have been confused by the actions of the people who go to Catholic
churches for many years. Protestants seem to be able, and more than
willing, to stand up against things they can't agree with, things
that are immoral (I know, not always) and leave for another church.
Why is it so hard for Catholics to do the same? Why can't they walk
away from an institution that doesn't give a shit about any of them,
just as long as they're making babies and sending in those tithes?
I was Catholic, I'd have resigned my membership decades ago. If I
needed the pomp, then I'd go to the Orthodox or Episcopal church
have to hope it's a fear of hell, or some elaborate version of
Pascal's Wager.
don't want to think that millions of people actually agree with
Ratzinger, that they want to punish nuns and little girls, instead of
getting rapist-priests out of the pulpit and into prison.
have to believe that. The alternative is unthinkable.
I was a conspiracy theorist, I'd postulate that the Church actually
has vendetta against people of colour, or perhaps the entire
continent of Africa. That continent has a large population of rural
and poor Catholics who follow the teachings very faithfully; unlike
the US and most industrialised nations. Here in the States we have
“cafeteria” christians, who pick and choose what teachings they
prefer, almost always ignoring completely the “don't use birth
control” and “LGBT are bad, mmkay?” parts. Maybe, in this
conspiracy theory the Pope is trying to eliminate Africans? Maybe
he's got a thing against non-whites? He was a member of Hitler's
Youth, after all, and we all know how much Hitler hated anyone who
wasn't his brand of white...
I was a conspiracy theorist, that is.
it is, I'd say he's probably just a terrified old man who sees the
church he rules changing in ways he can't control. So he's exerting
control where ever he can. It's scary to see your privilege go away,
isn't it Benedict Ratzinger?
utterly pisses me off, too. I love rottweilers, always have, they're
big fluffy teddy bear dogs, not evil, nasty biting dogs who hurt
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