Musing on mental states
This blog is my blog, so sometimes what I write isn't about anyone
except me. Some times it's just here because I needed to get it out,
needed to shout it at the digital paper, like a kid scrawling with
markers. Don't take this entry personally. If you take this blog
entry personally, just remember: Some Times, It's Not About You. OK?
I realise there's a risk of sounding like an asshole putting it that
way, but there are times that I can only be blunt. My diplomacy is
not working properly right now. This blog, it's all about me.
You know how you go
through a funk, you're not feeling yourself, or you're not all there?
I feel like that, in the strangest way. It started last week, and
slowly crept up on me. Monday it hit me full in the face about nine
in the morning.
Often this is a
precursor to a depressive cycle, but I'm not feeling the sadness that
always bring the depression coming back. I don't feel the
helplessness, or feeling of being without hope., I don't hurt
everywhere, and I'm not getting what I call "depression
migraine". I don't lack interest in the things that are my
hobbies, and I spent about half an hour putting a Star Wars: The Old
Republic 'toon together, to play with friends tonight (thanks to them
for a 7 day pass, yay!) After I finish this, I"ll curl up and
read the first Ciaphas Cain novel, by Sandy Mitchell (It's called
Hero of the Imperium
and if you like Warhammer 40k, Imperial Guard and can laugh at irony,
you'll probably enjoy it). I am able to finish my tasks, and even got
my washing done straight away this morning. That part of depression
isn't happening, thankfully.
I just feel lost. I
kinda feel numb to everything outside my tiny sphere, numb and
mentally exhausted. I feel tapped out in my emotional space. Just at
the end of my emotional expense account, perhaps. My emotional credit
card is max-ed out.
I don't want to think
about other people's problems. I don't want to commiserate, or have
empathy. I don't want to hear about how horrible your shit it, right
now. Because I just don't want to hear it. I feel like I have heard
enough for now. Like it's time for you, nebulous you, to deal with
your shit, because I don't want to.
I feel like my empathy
is finite right now. Like I don't have enough to go around. Almost
like I've got to ration it, little here, little there, and that I've
been spending too much of myself out there, nebulous out there,
instead of in here in myself.
That's a problem for
empathic people, you now. You nebulous you, my readers, and myself...
mostly myself. It's a huge problem for empaths. We feel your pain,
literally. When others hurt, we hurt with them. It's never trite, or
fake or banal or platitudes. When we say, "I am so very sorry
you're hurting. Please, let me sit and hurt with you, because I don't
know how else to be emotionally available to you, and I want to help"
we really fucking mean it! I've never told someone "I know how
you feel" and didn't know exactly how they fucking felt.
I can't help it, you
see. I just have this thing, gift, curse, emotional radar, feelers,
antennae? Something that makes me able to pick up emotional states,
feelings, hurts and happiness, across the miles, through the phone,
emails, IM's, text messages, and if I'm very close to you, I don't
even need that. I just know. I know if you're OK, or not. I can feel
it, just as strongly as if you're standing here in my living room
telling me how you're feeling.
But right now, I don't
want to.
I don't want to know if
you're having the same trouble you had last week. I can't bear it
right now.
Don't tell me if you're
bored or need stimulus, because I'm tapped out. I'm sorry. I can't
right now.
Don't tell me if you're
depressed, or need advice on anything slightly down. I can't do it. I
don't think I can give advice on anything mildly discomforting. I'll
tell you anything you want to know about dating, or food, or "what
shirt goes best with what pants". But don't ask me to pat you on
the head; don't ask me to cheer for you, or agree that you're doing
just fine. If you have to ask me, then you're probably not, and you
should get some help.
By all means, share the
good shit that's happening! I need to hear that stuff. I need to
celebrate your graduation (Congrats, Matt, I'm so damned proud of
you!). I need to cheer for your new baby (Congrats C on your little
girl's arrival!). I need to hold my breath with you waiting for the
surprise! I'll get excited for birthdays, and new babies, and
promotions, and newly discovered cake recipes! I need all those
things, those sparkly, glittery wonderful blessings.
In fact, I just got an
email from my Beloved-- literally just now-- letting me know that our
credit check for the solar panels and installation went through. This
means we can get on the list for installation this spring/early
summer! We already have locked in the special incentive the local
electrical company is offering, as a way of saying "Please for
the love of all that is holy, install some fucking solar panels on
your house!" We were just waiting for the rest of it to get
lined up. I'm very excited about that, as I've always wanted to put
PV panels on my house!
I can feel emotional
responses just fine. There's nothing wrong with my ability to feel
anything. In fact, I'm “smilin' like a butcher's dog" about
that email. (Thank you, Mr. Mike Lange, the Penguins' radio guy.)
I also noticed that
another squash plant is growing, and there's something green coming
up from the bucket I put the avocado pits into. So I might be growing
an avocado too, and that's something to get really excited about, if
you ask me: your plants growing! I'll know better when it gets
bigger, and if it's a weed, I'll yank it out of there.
It isn't that I can't
feel, it's that I just don't want to. I feel wrung out by
the world around me, right now. I feel like I've been bombarded with
other people's shit, and just haven't been able to deal with my own.
That's not good, for someone like me. It's really not good for
anyone, if we're honest about it.
Everyone should be able
to deal with their own shit, yes. Not everyone can, no. That's why we
have people in hospital, or on medication, or seeing a therapist, or
doing meditative work, or whatever it is that they're doing, so they
can pull their shit together. That's why we have our safety nets of
people we trust to talk to, our spouses, best friends,
ministers/priestesses, whatever. There's nothing wrong with that.
Everyone needs to be able to do that. We need to be able to take time
away from being there for everyone else, too.
That's what I need to
do. I need to take a break from being there for everyone else. I need
to take a break from being constantly available for advice or
pep-talk, or just to listen to venting.
I tend not to vent
much. If I do, it's to my Beloved, or my best friend, Matt. He's been
so busy lately though, getting through finals and all that for his
Bachelor's, that I haven't wanted to bother him. My husband has been
busy at work, too. I don't like venting, because I don't like to
bother people.
That's another part of
empaths. We always feel what you're feeling, because you project it
to us. We can't help it, we fucking breathe that shit in, swim
through it. But, dammit if we don't want to bother you talking about
anything at all. I would rather swallow it, deal with it on my own,
than talk to someone and feel like I'm imposing. I hate imposing.
So I'm venting right
now. Scribbling in digital media, my own neurosis, my own difficulty.
I need a break from everyone's problems... problems that aren't new,
they aren't special, they're old hat, shit everyone's been dealing
with forever now. I mean, new problems, like car crashes, they
happen, and I'll be there, just like I always am.
But if it's an old
problem and you can't solve it yourself, could you just hang on to it
for awhile. I'm sure it'll still be there when I'm feeling more
myself. Maybe you could solve it yourself, while I'm solving myself?
That'd be pretty cool, right? That'd be an accomplishment I'd like to
hear about.
So, this week, I'm not
cheering for anyone. I'm not patting anyone on the head. Don't expect
an ear, a compliment, or anything to encourage you to get out of bed.
Just don't ask for it, because I don't have it to give.
I'm sorry. I know
self-care is important, and I know I need that right now. I also know
I don't hold up the sky, that people can get by without me.
Empaths have to have
their own emotional space, too. Otherwise we shut down. Shutting down
an empath is like damming up a river. It can be done, very carefully,
but generally shit breaks. Damming my empathic abilities is like
trying to build a dam of toothpicks to stop Niagara. Not fucking
pretty, is it?
I need some emotional
space. I can't lose myself, because I need me. Just like you need
you. We have to know who and where we are, and some times that means
stepping back awhile.
I'm sure if it's
emergency you'll let me know. I can handle emergency. I just can't
handle the day-to-day. I need to deal with my own, drown in my own
passion for awhile. Feel my emotions without censoring them for
others. I need to clearly set aside where I end and you all begin.
That's a problem for empaths: we can lose definition of our ending,
we overlap, we let others' emotions overlap with ours. It's messy and
sometimes it's detrimental.
To be perfectly frank,
I'm just tired of being emotionally there for the entire world,
because that's how it feels. It doesn't matter how untrue that is,
it's how it feels. I need to be emotionally there for my family (you
know who you are). Otherwise, I will break. I don't want to break.
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