I am not an opptimist. I don't consider myself to be a pessimist, either-- I know, I know, who does, right? Thing is, I try, very hard, to look at reality, even if it's dark, and to look at it clearly; hence I've always said I was a cynical realist. My way of looking at the world fits with my depressive tendencies, surely, but we can't divorce our perspective from ourselves-- we are our perspectives. That simple thing might be the only thing we do know about the way our brains work: we are our perspectives. This past month has been pretty shitty world-wide. People are being massacred in Syria ; free speech was thrown in prison in Russia ; elected officials claim degrees of rape here in the US; Roman Catholics got a glimpse of paedophilia apologies yesterday, because the kids were asking for it ; the GOP is lying through their teeth to get elected ; people are starving ; earthquake and tsunami warning (since cancelled, thankfully) in Indonesia ; flooding and hu...