Meandering thoughts: more persecution ramblings
Today on CNN I saw a blog in their Belief section: My Take: A word to Christians- Be nice . The writer, a pastor in Prescott AZ writes about his dismay at his fellow christians and their often, very vocal hate filled Tweets, blogs, comments etc. He has written in the past about christians general bad reputation here in the States, and he didn't shy away admitting that the biggest reason christians are called hateful is because a lot of them are loudly hateful! Not because they're being persecuted, or because the media has a bias against them,but because they're setting out to shove their busy-body noses into the lives of others, and scream hateful things when we disagree. The crux of his piece sums up his arguments really nicely: More and more, I see hateful Christians chalking up their disrepute to “persecution.” God tells us otherwise. In 1 Peter 4 we’re told, “If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed. …” And that’s the truth; sometimes w...